I don't know how many people are aware of my past, but I used to be a theater girl. Ever since I could remember (I'm talking since pre-school), I would have a busy schedule of acting (I would frequently call it "drama class") and dance classes. I was involved with a plethora of musical productions (including the Westchester Broadway Dinner Theatre's production of "A Wonderful Life" in 2001...NBD). Although my theatrical years have passed, I was made to love Glee: the witty humor, the show-stopping musical numbers, and Mark Salling and Corey Monteith? WHY CAN'T THEY FIGHT OVER ME?! Because I'm more of a Kurt/Rachel combination, not a Quinn. So in celebration of Glee's return, I decided I should blog about the new Glee clothing line. Yes, the phenomenon will have a clothing line. Based on the main character's personal style, the undetermined carrier will begin to sell this clothing line in the fall of 2010. As much as I love this show, I would NEVER want to dress like the characters...well maybe Emma Pillsbury (she has some cute cardigans). I am no fan of Tina's rocker look and Rachel's old lady apparel. Personally, this is just a way to market the show. Power to the executives, but I will really hate if Glee became over marketed to the irreversible "cheesy zone". All of their songs are amazing, I am eagerly waiting more songs on iTunes, but the fashion is not enviable. Nonetheless, Glee is AMAZING AND EVERYONE MUST WATCH TOMORROW AT 9:28. Yes, the time is random buut
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