I am pleased to say that, as of 3:50 today, I will be FINISHED with classes for this semester. With one final this coming Thursday, I will have plenty of time to shop for Christmas presents, sleep, exercise, read
My Booky Wook 2, and, most importantly, blog. Oh how I've missed spontaneously blogging about something absolutely remarkable. So here we go!
I may go as far in proclaiming this was one of my favorite Chanel shows in a while, which is some feat!
Photo Cred: Harper's Bazaar |
One of the most brilliant things about Chanel is how it is has never lost the feminine/glamour aesthetic, but it constantly thinks of new and exciting trends; the perfect blend of trend and classic. I'm a really big fan of jewel tones, so I'm so smitten with the color scheme: canary, sapphire, ruby, emeralds, I LOVE IT ALL! Overall the Byzantine theme is absolutely genius; it gives off this sense of royalty. (On a side note, Karl and his PR people always do and incredible picking a cohesive venue for Chanel shows). I love ALL of the jackets and this
studded skirt...so fab! And
the jacket in the finale?! I'M IN LOVE. It was so cohesive, so beautiful, and just amazing. What I would've given to be front row during that show.
Not to sound self-centered, but I instantly thought of this incredible necklace of mine when I saw this collection:
Is it just me, or does this necklace work pretty well with Pre-Fall 2010?
Selfrigdes, London, 2010
For Christmas, could Santa please give me Chanel Pre-Fall 2011.
Kay thanks.
I hope Santa reads this blog!